Executive assessment at CSA Consulting is based on a rigorous, evidence based approach to human capability appraisal. Our approach is based on an integrated combination of extensive career interview, psychometric assessment and feedback. Our executive assessment process can be utilised in for external or internal recruitment, career transition and development, as part of executive coaching, and as a means of succession planning. Our methodology is designed to provide a rounded understanding of an individual’s psychological make-up and the impact this has on their current and potential managerial and leadership effectiveness. We utilise psychometric tests in conjunction with sound biographical and performance data in order to make reliable and valid judgements about the individual. Individuals can then be benchmarked against organisational capabilities and the requirements of the role. Frequently used assessments include the Hogan Leadership Suite and Multi-Factor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-360). We believe that psychometric assessment plays a valuable role in effective coaching and leadership development. It brings a rigour and reliability to the assessment process, allowing the executive to compare themselves with others in the industry and with research validated benchmarks. However we know the value of integrating these measures into a more holistic view of the person rather than overly relying on the raw scores themselves. To that end, we take the time to properly debrief and discuss any assessment measure we utilse, calibrating the findings against our own conclusions and other data sources.
To download our Executive Assessment brochure, click here.
We are qualified and experienced in the administration and interpretation of a wide range of psychometric instruments. However there are two that stand out for us in terms of their utility in facilitating the executive coaching process:
1.The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-360)
The MLQ is based on the transactional-transformational model of leadership. It provides direct feedback on 5 transformational components of effective leadership, 2 transactional components and 2 areas of potential derailment. The MLQ is the product of 20yrs research into the Full Range Leadership Model and as such represents the industry benchmark in leadership assessment. It is delivered in a 360 degree format allowing a wide range of individuals to feedback on the executive’s leadership style. It can also measure leadership in teams (MLQ Team) and Culture (ODQ).
2.The Hogan Leadership Suite
This comprises of 3 distinct assessment measures. The Hogan Personality inventory (HPI), The Hogan Development Survey (HDS) and the Motivation, Values and Preferences Inventory (MVPI). Together these make up the Bright Side, Dark Side and Inside of the executive profile. Together these assessments provide a well validated inventory of success factors, potential derailers and motivational factors that will add depth and rigour to the coaching assessment process. We are the Qld distributer for the Hogan suite and can arrange for your accreditation in the instruments as well as administer and interpret them on your behalf.
Other tests we utilise as required are the MBTI, the FIRO-B, the NEO and a variety of ability and competency tests. We also have developed our own coaching skills assessment that gives the participant clear feedback on their areas of strength and development in the coaching context.
Identifying High Potential Employees
The identification of high potential employees is crucial to the success of any business. CSA employs a wide range of personality and cognitive assessment to ascertain not just how a candidate may perform in their current role, but also how they will perform in future more challenging roles. This is again where the identification of strengths is crucial as it allows predictions of performance to be made beyond the confines of the current role. In addition, we utilise our leadership development programs to identify high potential employees and provide them with sufficiently challenging development planning.
Identifying Signature Strengths
Positive psychology is beginning to identify the strengths that underpin optimal human functioning. CSA’s assessment process always includes the identification of strengths and success as well as using the available psychometrics like Realise 2 (See Resources page). There are a number of questionnaires under development that aim to provide a complete review of an individual’s strengths and CSA is participating in the development of these products.