Positive organizational psychology, with its focus on the identification and development of strengths, is a natural ally to executive development and leadership coaching. However, this approach is only just beginning to come to the attention of organizations and consequently, the research base for strength-based coaching is in its early stages of development. Strength-based Leadership Coaching in Organizations reviews strength-based approaches to positive leadership development and evaluates the evidence for their effectiveness, critically assesses their apparent distinctiveness and considers how strengths can be reliably assessed and developed in their organizational context. READ MORE
Conferences & Presentations
MacKie DJ. (2015) Who sees change after leadership coaching? Presentation at International Positive Psychology Association Conference, Orlando, Florida, June 2015
MacKie D.J (2014) The Effectiveness of a Strength-Based Coaching Methodology in Enhancing Transformational Leadership. European Conference of Positive Psychology, Amsterdam, Netherlands. READ MORE